05-03-2020, 04:49 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,185
Re: Starting the journey
Hi wrencher welcome to the forum.
Yurt at -50 C huh? That's -58 F. I have made three nomadic uninsulated yurts, the biggest 16'. All heated with an air tight wood stove. I doubt I was in them at 0 degrees F. If so it was for two hours or less. WAY too cold. Single canvas wall plus drafty door = no heat retention at all. I have a nice toasty warm frame house just fifty yards away, so, no thanks.
Consider this. Wife and I lived in an apartment in Jackson Wyoming winter of 1978-79. It hit -50 on Jan 1 1979. That winter and temp are in the record book if you care to check. Our apt was one of four in a fourplex, at ground level. There was an identical apt above it, so we had a very well 'insulated' roof. We had an ice dam on the kitchen slider for some time, and couldn't open the door. Front door only. At -40 it is instantly painful going out without a face mask. At -50 you just do not go out by choice.
I don't know if you have ever been in a yurt when it is sub 0 outside let alone -50, but based on personal experience I wouldn't advise it when it is -30 and below.Just so you know, if you have no experience with yurts, they are not houses. They aren't insulated like houses. They are tents. Not insulated like houses, with r19 walls and r38 ceilings. Just so you know.
I absolutely suggest talking your plan with any perspective yurt CO and tell them the possible conditions, and see what they say. I have zero experience with modern yurt 'houses'. The manufacturer will know about reasonable temps for their dwellings, I do not.
Just relaying my experience with ultra cold. Guess I'd have to be in a modern 'yurt house' at -58 to see what it was like. lol Good luck with your endeavor. Regardless of what anyone sez, make sure you have one BIG AZZ wood stove and a massive pile of firewood.