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Water Intermittently Seeping In Around Dome

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Old 10-22-2023, 07:27 AM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Oct 2023
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Default Water intermittently seeping in around dome

Hi all;

We have just constructed a 25' yurt built by Two Girls Yurts and have a little bit of water intermittently dribbling through around the edge of the





has a stovepipe through the middle, but is otherwise a pretty standard dome. I thought maybe in my ... enthusiasm .... to set up the stove that I had knocked it askew, so I went up yesterday and untied everything, double checked my centering, added a bit of extra foam, and tied everything back down as tight as possible. We had some pretty heavy rain overnight and it was leaking again in the heaviest rain, but is now not leaking in a heavy mist.

I guess I am looking for a better sealant option than the flexible foam


that came with it..... Or suggestions of other things to look for that might be causing this strange little intermittent dribble. This is our first Yurt and I'm new to fixing and maintaining them so any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance...

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Old 10-22-2023, 01:58 PM   #2
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Default Re: Water intermittently seeping in around dome

Some photos might help us give you some suggestions.
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Old 10-23-2023, 12:20 PM   #3
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Default Re: Water intermittently seeping in around dome

If you are certain the dome itself is not leaking, this is how I would deal with a ring leak at the dome.

Detach the dome and set it aside to where you can caulk it. Take the foam gasket(s) off. Pump a nice fat bead of silicone caulk on every contacting surface, the dome, both sides of the gaskets, both sides of the cover, and the ring. Every surface gets a bead of silicone such that upon reassembly you are creating a fat silicone gasket between every layer. Tighten the screws or bolts securely. BTW wear disposable gloves and coveralls. Silicone is incredibly nasty stuff that gets over everything on a rough project like this.

Man if that doesn't solve the leak I don't know what will. If it doesn't you've got a real problem, but at least you have eliminated all obvious leak points. Beyond that I can't help since I'm not there. Contact a carpenter or a commercial yurt company. Good lucjk.
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