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Extreme Temps & A Fear Of Mold

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Old 08-15-2015, 09:56 PM   #11
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Default Re: Extreme temps & a fear of mold

Indeed. I know zip about those stove systems. However, if the footprint of the stove is say six square feet you're at almost three hundred pounds per square foot floor loading. WAY more than a trad wood floor system. Really, you need a concrete foundation under such load.
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Old 08-16-2015, 12:39 AM   #12
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Default Re: Extreme temps & a fear of mold

Um, 6 sq ft would be a bit small (2 ft x 3 ft). With a large mass like that, it's more likely to be something like 10 to 25 ft square (say 5 ft by 5 ft). This would give you more like 60 psf for a 1500 lb stove--fairly close to a normal loading if I recall. But yes, it is something to be *very* mindful off.

No one on this forum has done it so far that I know of, but there are people thinking about it. The thermal mass of the stove compliments the yurt's lack thereof, you'd hopefully burn less without having to stoke the fire at night. It might work better with the aluminumized mylar/bubble wrap


many yurts have. But a large stove could take up precious space in a yurt--best make it functional, like a large bench or bed (spreads the weight out, too).
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Pacific Yurts - The original modern yurt
Old 10-17-2015, 07:04 PM   #13
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Posts: 3
Default Re: Extreme temps & a fear of mold

We moved into a 30ft yurt in Vermont a little over a year ago. We ended up adding traditional fiberglass


between the 2x4s that came with the snow and wind package. This helped keep more heat in... But we got ice building up between the insulation and the wall - presumably because there isn't a


barrier like conventional homes. Anyone encountered this problem before? Are afraid of mold
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