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Part-Build / Part-Buy?

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Old 07-21-2016, 02:02 PM   #1
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Default Part-Build / Part-Buy?

Hi chaps, hope all is well.

I been working on a 6m yurt for a while now. Though am struggling to get work done due to health issues.
Perhaps i initially over estimated my output-capabilities in reference to the work-load of building a yurt.

I was on the verge of giving up the build all together. but thought perhaps i should consider some feesable compromises before abandoning project.

I thought maybe buying some parts instead of building. (some parts which offered minimal financial savings for the workload involved).

Im considering switiching from coppice poles, to traditional sawn timber, for the wall-pole / lattice structure.
it was a nice idea, the coppice poles have a nice rustic feel to them, but it involves shaving the bark off ~120 poles.
The cost-saving trade off is minimal i think (£5 for 15 poles).
though i havnt researched how much the 1" x 2" sawn timber will cost.

Anyone got any suggestions for parts that can be purchased to reduce labour, but not effect final costs too much?
or any other techniques / tips to reduce labour-workload?
(if i did all the wood framework, would it be feesable to purchase a used 6m cover?)

(A good friend recently gifted me an electric jigsaw + electric sander. im sure they could be useful )

thanks. Chris

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Old 07-21-2016, 11:49 PM   #2
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Just a thought, how about splitting your poles? It would require only half as much shaving, would make them fit and fold together better, and if your poles are the proper diameter, there should still be enough "meat" to be strong enough.

I have not seen any of the details, but that is one idea.

Good luck to you, and your project.

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Old 07-22-2016, 09:42 AM   #3
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Default Re: Part-Build / Part-Buy?

I'd just go ahead and shave the poles. Consider this. You aren't on a crew moving 1,500,000, 15 ton stone blocks, 15 miles, and 150' up into position on the great pyramid. You are merely shaving a few poles. Put it in perspective. Have fun and enjoy the work.
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Old 07-22-2016, 03:03 PM   #4
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Default Re: Part-Build / Part-Buy?

Nice idea MT Rod. A lot of the poles are thicker than needed. I bet a Froe could do the job nicely.

Thanks for sugggestion Bob. Somtimes i procrastinate too much.
Unfortunately i'm in a bit of a difficult living situation, and am needing to find/create new accommodation soon.
(having dog makes things tricky)

currently living with family who can be abusive when things dont go thier way.
that coupled with depression / Anxiety / spine injuries, makes for slow progress.

(i dont really enjoy much these days, not even woodwork, its tedious. but i'm so desperate for a safe place to live, yurt the only option for now)

It has taken me about 2 months to shave the bark of 30 poles. some of which are twisty, with dog-legs (not usable for khana poles, so im told).

sorry for rant.
guess i'm just trying to get across how slow the progress is, and how desperate i am for a livable yurt :/

Last edited by ChrisL; 07-22-2016 at 03:11 PM.
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Old 07-22-2016, 06:09 PM   #5
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Default Re: Part-Build / Part-Buy?

"i dont really enjoy much these days,.." Classic depression sign. It would be very good if you could get some help. Depression is treatable. Best of wishes on that. Sorry if it sounded as if I was chastizing your effort. I apologize.
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Old 07-22-2016, 08:01 PM   #6
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Default Re: Part-Build / Part-Buy?

Chris you could do like I do check dumpsters on job sites you would be surprised what they throw away. Couple 2x4 or2x6 and a drill guide and a table saw.could cut everything you need.
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Old 07-22-2016, 08:45 PM   #7
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Default Re: Part-Build / Part-Buy?

not to worry Bob. i always appreciate your advice/suggestions on this forum

checking dumpsters/tips sounds great. There is actually a timber warehouse in west sussex that collects the spare timber from construction site dumpsters, sells it on for fair price as re-purposed timber.
I'll give them a call and get a quote.

you recon different wood-types of 1" x 2" can be mixed in the same lattice structure?
could it bend in a qwerky way?
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Old 07-22-2016, 11:01 PM   #8
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Default Re: Part-Build / Part-Buy?

Marshall, the stuff I see pitched in the dumpster is firewood. Drops, or knotty twisted crap wood. Extremely rare around here for wood good enough to make rafter and or lattice tossed out, unless the owners wanted remodel of new layout, where the entire wall section is sawzalled out.

If Chris was lucky he would hit a house at the very tail end of construction, just before closing, when what is left in the garage gets tossed in a hurry to get the placed spiffed out. On very rare occasion material long enough to make rafter of lattice does get tossed. Really, you are much better off digging through the bin at Depot of Lowes. At least around here. Just sayin.
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