06-26-2019, 09:59 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,202
Re: Structural repair
Photo or accurate description of 'serious trauma' would help.
I have replaced damaged/split lattice strips with new ones, with my yurt erected. Remove a trashed one and install a new one, one at a time. If knotted, cut the knots. If bolted, simply unbolt. If riveted, drill out the rivet and either rivet, bolt, or tie in a new strip.
Can strips be made from framing lumber? Yup, all my lattice, rafters, and door were made from clear framing lumber bought from Depot or Lowes. Big chain lumber will let you dig through bins for clear wood. It's definitely in there just look it over. If yer cool you'll restack.