06-25-2020, 09:14 AM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,202
Re: Radon protection in Yurts?
The front range in CO has hot spots of radon gas. I have worked on a few houses that had radon mitigation installed. All had living area below ground level, in other words, a basement with mechanical room, plus livable area.
I haven't seen a radon mitigation install in quite some time. However as I remember the general procedure was caulking the slab to concrete foundation in the basement, caulking around windows, and venting the mechanical room to the furnace stack.
People DO get lung cancer from radon. I had a non smoking friend that mysteriously got lung cancer and ended up dying from it. The bottom of their tri level home and garage were at ground zero in a prime radon area, mere blocks from where we lived. It's a guess but I suspect radon was the source.
If your yurt is above ground I wouldn't worry about it. There should be no more radon in the yurt than outside, and yurts aren't near as tight as todays energy efficient houses.