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Yurt Loft

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Old 12-12-2015, 09:54 PM   #1
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Default Yurt Loft

Hey Yurtherds,

My partner and I just acquired a 15 ft (roughly ~175 ft round) 5 year old Laurel Nest Yurt which we plan to set up on our land in the Ozarks of Missouri in a couple of weeks. We've lived in less than 100 sq ft (this small straw bale had a loft), in a 20 ft yurt, and have camped extensively (obv staying in small spaces). I have no fear that we'll be able to fit into the yurt happily, but we do want to maximize the space as best we can.

We've been brainstorming on possible loft positioning and I'm curious:

~~~Did you put a loft in your yurt? Can you tell me a bit about it?

~~For people with yurts around 15ft~, especially if you live with others, how do you maximize space? Did you choose to create a loft?

~How do you Maximize space in your yurt in general?

I'm also open to plans for storage space or other creative envisionings for smaller yurt spaces.

Btw, we plan to live in this yurt for the winter/spring and will probably later transition it into a guest space/library after we build the "main house" and other structures.


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Old 12-12-2015, 10:12 PM   #2
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

No loft in my yurt. Maximize space by putting a lot of stuff UNDER the yurt until you need it, providing you built a platform off the ground.

Beds always take up the most room, so try to use one that is up off the floor so you can store stuff under it.

Shelves, shelves and more shelves.
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Old 12-12-2015, 10:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

Thanks Jafo for replying.
We currently have a Futon that will likely get folded up most days. Not sure if we'll utilize space under the yurt for storage.

For shelving within your yurt- did you build individual shelves or tall ones that linked together?

One idea we have is to build shelving that will go up to the 7ft wall and span above the futon/bed (with cubbies above that space) and then go down on the other side of the futon. Just want to utilize multi dimensions as best as possible.
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Old 12-13-2015, 01:49 AM   #4
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

My yurt is 15'9" in diameter, with 5'4" tall wall. I couldn't begin to imagine any useful adult sized loft in that small of a space. Maybe some minimal storage reachable by ladder. IMO add a second yurt. Good luck.
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Old 12-13-2015, 09:04 AM   #5
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

I just build a shelf when I need one. Individuals and cubby types.
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Old 12-13-2015, 12:33 PM   #6
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

Thanks for your .02 cents guys. I think the lofted storage is where we're leaning, not a loft for sleeping. We'll have to see when we get in there in a few weeks and Feel it out.
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Old 12-13-2015, 12:53 PM   #7
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

My plan for storage is basically to make sure I'm using the full wall height (~6 ft) with a good depth of 1.5-2' (shelves, layering things). For the bed & clothing storage, I'm going to make a captains bed with two tiers of two/three drawers on both sides of the bed.

I think using the space underneath the yurt is also a good idea. My 'foundation' is usually a little different (last year straw bales, this year just cinderblocks), so not supertall like framed-in pier blocks on a slope. Anyhow, I'm think of recessing a chest freezer and a thermoelectric cooler (the 'fridge') into the floor so it won't take up so much volume.
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Old 12-21-2015, 08:59 AM   #8
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Default Re: Yurt Loft

Set your Yurt on a two-foot 'pony-wall'. You could make the walls with 2x6 'studs' to make the process a bit easier. This should give you a bit more height to put in a loft.

With lofts you can either hang the ceiling joists from rafters (not recommended) or attached them to the vertical supports (studs). If your Yurt didn't come with walls studs - DO NOT TRY A LOFT OF ANY KIND. You will need some type of center support to bear the weight of the loft. Depending on the weight you need the loft to carry, you might need a footer for the center support.

We have put lofts in 24' and 30'. I am not aware of lots in 20' or 16' Yurts.

Good Luck
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