04-06-2014, 05:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,430
Finally made it to the yurt!
I haven't been up to the yurt in about 2 months, mostly because of other obligations. This is the longest I have ever left it. The snow is still really high in the woods (4-5 feet deep), so I had to snowshoe in. The snow was crusty on top, and soft underneath. It was not much fun, but I did it. A total of 2.5 miles of some rough travel. Sinking in the snow and then trying to rip the snowhoes out, over and over takes a toll pretty quick, especially when you have been as inactive as me this winter.
Anyway, all was good, in fact, there was no snow on the yurt at all:
I had lunch there and then headed back out. My legs feel it today lol! I can't wait until all this snow is gone!!