I asked
this question before too.

Since that time I have had no issue with critters at all. The
WMU my yurt is located in normally gets the most bear harvested every year in the state, and by a lot, not a little. I have not had any mice INSIDE the yurt but did find a few of them under it. I had the bag that the roof and walls come in stuffed under the yurt and when I was there I noticed the dog going crazy about it. So I picked up the bag and about 10 mice fell out. My Jack Russel had a field day.
is pretty high off the ground in most spots so it is hard for mice to get in on the sidewall because they have no way to get there. They could probably cling to the plywood skirt, but I don't think they could chew through the wall at the same time. We'll see what happens when the snow gets up there and gives them an opportunity.
I think the number one thing I have done to keep critters out is be meticulous about not leaving any food or garbage at the camp. In fact, the only thing I leave there is salt, pepper, and a little canola oil. I have a checklist when I leave and the last thing I do is shopvac the entire yurt, especially around the dinning room table.
Once winter arrives the bears are not an issue because they hibernate. Mice on the other hand do not.