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DIY Tv Channel. "Love Yurts"

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Old 12-18-2016, 10:40 AM   #1
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Default DIY tv channel. "Love Yurts"

Anybody else notice that there is a series on the DIY network called. "Love Yurts" ? Looks like there are 3-4 episodes on today.

No idea if it's an old series or new.

Hope it's a decent show. I've got the dvr set to record them.

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Old 12-19-2016, 07:22 PM   #2
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Default Re: DIY tv channel. "Love Yurts"

We (campingyurts.com) were approached in the summer by an HGTV affilliate channel about wanting to film some yurt builds, but as ours only take 45 mins to set up, they were not that interested:-) I think they wanted the permenant yurts. I wonder if this is the same show.
We did supply a yurt for another HGTV show, about tiny homes I think. A couple wanted to live in one of our yurts while they built their "unusual house". Can't say much more, but it's due out in January I think.

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