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Wood Vs Fabric Yurt (pros And Cons)

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Old 04-03-2017, 09:03 PM   #1
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Default Wood vs Fabric Yurt (pros and cons)

Hey Yurt Forum,

New to this site and new to the world of yurts. I love the economics of it and their intimacy with nature. I am super intrigued from it all and while I am not yet ready to build or buy my own yurt I am curious what the pros and cons are for choosing a fabric yurt verse the wood yurts.

I did a quick google search and saw smiling wood yurt and

freedom yurt cabins

as the top google hits for wood yurt. Both of their products look sweet. I was also really impressed with

pacific yurts


colorado yurts


Also, really hard to find a bottom line cost to compare them all to really get a sense of bang for buck. Any insights would be great!

One of my initial questions is if the wood yurts are only for permanent structures. It seems from pictures both fabric yurts can be used for permanent structures, but can also be transplanted.



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Old 04-04-2017, 10:42 AM   #2
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Default Re: Wood vs Fabric Yurt (pros and cons)

I can only speak for our product, but you are correct that our yurts offer the strength and durability to be utilized indefinitely in one location, but can be dismantled and moved whenever necessary. You can keep it simple and rustic or go all out and add any amenities you want. You can easily price out a yurt on our Yurt Builder 3D if you'd like: Build & Customize Your Own Yurt - 3D Yurt Builder.
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Old 04-04-2017, 02:25 PM   #3
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Default Re: Wood vs Fabric Yurt (pros and cons)

I can't speak for the those specific companies, but I have always found that solid walled yurts (all else being equal) generally cost more. You may however have easier time with building codes.
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Old 04-06-2017, 11:06 AM   #4
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Default Re: Wood vs Fabric Yurt (pros and cons)

I'm admittedly biased towards

Colorado Yurts

, but

Pacific Yurts

makes a good product as well.

To my way of thinking, a solid-wall yurt isn't really a yurt; it's a yurt-shaped-house. The defining features of a yurt are lattice-walls, wrapped in fabric, supporting rafters radiating from a central compression ring.

Good point about solid walls possibly easing the permitting process, but it's just one step closer to a stick-framed house.
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Old 01-02-2021, 10:29 AM   #5
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Default Re: Wood vs Fabric Yurt (pros and cons)

I have lived in a cloth yurt for 9 years in a winter climate.
I can now say I had wished I spent the money for a wooden yurt (definitions aside). The main issue is with condensation, then




For other climates a cloth yurt might be fine and do well.


packages - are not for cold climates and certainly not for year round living. I heated with wood for two years and spent all my time tending the stove. Yes it could get quite cozy and comfortable but I work full time, have plants and animals so keeping my home warm even while I was away was a neccessity. I have insulated with 6" of roxul and now heat with propane but when there are major temperature changes the frost on the inside of the standard roof pacage melts and soaks the insulation and then drips down the walls. Can happen in a wooden structure I know but spring and fall temps are a problem- then there are showers, laundry that also cause mosture. Not wanting to put more holes in the yurt walls or roof I open windows. I do have real windows in my yurt.
I say for full time living and for getting a bang for your buck if you sell- go wooden.
Just my 2 cents
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:34 PM   #6
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Default Re: Wood vs Fabric Yurt (pros and cons)

Unfortunately I got no real solution on what works best in cloth vs wood walls, other than 'Get the moist air out.' and 'Keep it dry.' Moist air condenses on cold surfaces. My wife and I lived in an apt back in 1978-1979 in Jackson WY that had a 5' wide single pane sliding glass door in the kitchen. When it was well blow zero for days on end a huge ice dam would build on the interior glass down and out onto the vinyl floor. All from cooking in the small kitchen with no window or vent.
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colorado yurts, freedom yurt cabins, pacific yurts, smiling woods yurts

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