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Planning To Build A Yurt In Czech Republic

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Old 01-07-2015, 06:55 PM   #231
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Default Re: Planning to build a yurt in Czech Republic

So I've heard back from the manufacturer. Offered to send me some patch material and adhesive they use for this. If I could just fix it myself, I'd be glad and won't have to remove the roof cover for shipping and such. Just want to make clear how about warranty and such, before I agree to do it. Also, I'm not sure if the adhesive can be used in below zero temperatures we have now.

I have the boards cut and ready for making the door.
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Old 01-07-2015, 09:28 PM   #232
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Aquaseal works in subzero temps. It remains flexible, and adheres great.
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Old 01-08-2015, 09:20 AM   #233
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As long as they agree to warranty everything, why not?
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Old 01-08-2015, 05:13 PM   #234
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Finished the basic door building today. Now needs some filling, sanding, painting and also need to forge some hinges and such.
I've decided to make the five-panel pattern that seems to be popular on authentic yurts.
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Old 01-08-2015, 08:41 PM   #235
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Knecht dang man you did a real good job on the door. I'm a sucker for the panelized Mongolian door design. Now you just gotta do some nice Mongolian detail painting on that dude sometime down the road.
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Old 01-08-2015, 09:12 PM   #236
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Thanks for the likes and kind words. I'm quite happy with the door myself. The filling is drying now, tomorrow will be big the sanding day.
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Old 01-13-2015, 11:39 AM   #237
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Long time no pics...the paint is drying slowly in this cold weather. But I think it's gonna be nice door in the end. Will be green on the outer side and red on the inner, to match the khana and baganas. I may add some traditional decorations later, also thinking about painting the panels in different color, but it can wait as well.
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Old 01-13-2015, 05:07 PM   #238
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I've actually caulked and repainted my yurt door twice due to shrinkage at the seams. I just noticed yesterday that a few more small gaps have reappeared. I like the look of doors that have the panels painted a contrasting color from the frame. I might just have to do that next go round.
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Old 01-15-2015, 01:12 PM   #239
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Tested two patches today, to see if the adhesive would work in this weather. If they survive the night without falling off, we'll do the others tomorrow.
Door should get final paint layer tonight.

Here's a question: where the outer wall canvas meets to door frame - how is it sealed against rain and such? Should I add some extra board to the door frame, to go over the canvas edge? My door frame is doubled on the sides, creating a pocket for the khana. Should I just tuck the canvas into this pocket and forget about it?
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Old 01-15-2015, 03:01 PM   #240
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Yeah I'd definitely tuck the canvas into the slot if there's room. If there isn't enough space, or it's a big hassle stuffing the canvas in there, add another board to cover the canvas, and secure it to the door frame. The biggest draft problems I have with my yurt are due to the wall and roof canvas not being sealed at the door frame. And, the door not closing against a proper door stop. That's tops on my 'redo' list.
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