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Overhang Limits And Experiences?

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Old 11-03-2014, 11:01 AM   #1
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Default Overhang limits and experiences?

Howdy all

I'm wondering about practical overhang limits for yurts. I think those I see have little to no overhang due to the "umbrella effect" in a windstorm - where the yurt may be pulled upwards in a particularly hard updraft.

Is this the case with those you all have built? What are the practical limits for these?

I'd like to use all available means to collect rainfall (being in desertland, west texas) and having an overhang would be very helpful in this regard. However the winds can reach in excess of 50 - 60 mph for sustained periods of time (a day or two).

Kind regards

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Old 11-03-2014, 03:23 PM   #2
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Default Re: Overhang limits and experiences?

My yurt has no overhang. The water travels down the roof, down the walls, and then down to the ground. You can catch the water on the bottom of the walls. I have a rain diverter above the door and I set a barrel on either side of it.
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Old 11-03-2014, 06:16 PM   #3
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Default Re: Overhang limits and experiences?

My rafters overhang the wall by a couple inches. Water runoff from the roof cover gives old skool icicles that my grandkids like. Heck I bust em off too on occasion.
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