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Looking For Both A Materials List For Deck And Yurt Itself. Anyone Have One?

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Old 03-29-2018, 10:50 PM   #1
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Default Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

Hello my name is Richard. Recently moved to the White Mountains of NH. Came here specifically because there are no building codes prohibiting the building of whatever you want on your property (in my area, anyway). It has been my dream for a long time to build a yurt and I am starting to prepare to build one this year once the snow is gone. I have some experience with carpentry. I am trying to put together a materials list (I am good with tools) for both the deck and the yurt itself. Still thinking about the fabric for the yurt. I have attended a class in VT and built a yurt, a small one, with a group of other people. But it was pretty lame with a teacher who built one to live in his parent's backyard to save some cash and the yurt fabric was made from tarps from Home Depot and we had to put the tarp pieces together with a glue so toxic you could not breathe it even momentarily, which was quite startling a contrast to what the yurt represents for me, personally.

Plan is for approximately 1,000 sq feet for the yurt interior floor space and 1,400 sq ft deck. Railing all the way around. One staircase. Standard stuff.

How many sq feet of fabric will it require? Including (and I am hoping to benefit from your experience) waste?

What materials are viable for the covering of the yurt? My idea is sail materials and there are some quite advanced ones available, though pricey I imagine. Where do you get the kind of covering for the yurt offered by a company like

Pacific yurts

? Are there really options or is some kind of impregnated canvas the only viable thing?

Lumber, fabric,


, fasteners, brackets, caps, sealant, stain etc. Anyone have a list of what they used to build their yurt and deck from a completed build or know offhand roughly?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you. I apologize for asking common questions that may have been answered already. I did not see this exactly answered in my somewhat in-depth research here.


Last edited by WhiteMtnYurtRichard; 03-29-2018 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 03-30-2018, 08:05 AM   #2
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

That is going to be a very large yurt at 1,000 square feet. My 30' yurt is 709. Have you considered subbing out the roof?

White Mountain Yurts

must be close to you? They could probably do it cheaper than you could yourself.
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Old 03-30-2018, 01:31 PM   #3
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

Richard, I'm gonna be blunt. You need to do your homework. If you have the intention of building a 1400 sq. ft. platform and a 1000 sq ft yurt, but you can't figure out what materials you need, you're setting off on the wrong foot. Carpenters are able to figure out what materials they need because they have the skill to build the project. Aside from that, if you can't offer up a detailed plans nobody here is going to be able to help you. For absolute certain -with no doubt about it- a yurt that size and a deck that size need engineering. Good luck.
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Old 03-31-2018, 12:31 AM   #4
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

Kind of on the negative side, but thanks. I am aware of the issues you raise. No carpentry skill that I possess nor any other carpenter possesses can really help in determining fabric types, quality, shaping and then the industrial sewing aspect, can it?

Just looking for some rules of thumb and/or materials lists others might have around after building their own yurts to have an IDEA of ballparks. I have the ability to make some purchases right now at a good discount and can get some materials for the upcoming project. If I have a rough idea I can probably not be too far off the mark for hat I will eventually need.

Just looking for some estimates. If someone does not want to provide that, no problem. But something useful would be helpful. Obviously I can calculate the sq ft needed for a deck. But reality and what is on paper often differ.

Also I don't need an engineering stamp of any kind in my town. One reason why I moved here.

Last edited by WhiteMtnYurtRichard; 03-31-2018 at 12:45 AM.
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Old 03-31-2018, 12:42 AM   #5
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

Thank you Jafo. I have tried to call them several times and left messages and never heard back. My understanding is that they do not actually make yurts but only set them up? At any rate I have never heard back from them. For me it is important to build the entire yurt, every aspect. I have a house on the land already so I have some luxury of time and innovation.
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Old 03-31-2018, 10:13 AM   #6
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

You may want to consider going to a yurt building class. Contact Steve over at Surely Yurts. He is always putting those classes together in the NE, so he may have one coming up. He is all about teaching (and he manufacturers yurts himself too).

I wish I could be more helpful on this, but I don't know enough to make anything more than maybe a 10' yurt.
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Old 03-31-2018, 07:18 PM   #7
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

I too hope to one day have some land and erect a yurt. I live in Maine and have done some research on the subject. I am extremely impressed with the knowledge, quality and help offered by a NH-based (near you) company
Two Girls Farm & Yurts. At a minimum, you should go visit them. You might get some great ideas.

Best, Karin
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Old 03-31-2018, 07:23 PM   #8
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

You might try searching 'Moritu'. They used to have blueprints and parts lists but not for anything that big. A little pi r square will give you the footage of your circle but you'd be better off linking a few if you want 1000 sqft. Otherwise, you might as well be talking a grain silo.
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Old 03-31-2018, 07:37 PM   #9
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

Hi Richard. My guess is no one here has the sort of list(s) and information you are hoping to find. Most folks bought their yurts from one of the commercial companies. They've never had to source canvas, hardware, etc. A few, like Bob Rowlands, have built their yurts, but almost without exception they are smaller than what you are looking at. Different parts of the country probably have different needs for their yurts.

And I'm guessing, even they don't have lists - just figured and figured and figured. Made multiple trips to the lumber yard, made multiple stops and starts, dead ends, starts and restarts, work arounds, etc.

Even if you built a practice 16' yurt, it probably won't safely translate into a 30 or 35' yurt without a LOT of effort and research That's a big span of very heavy lumber over your head. Yurts not built right can twist in the wind, critical parts separate, and cave in - catastrophically. There is a ton of engineering that goes into the plans with everything working together. A good materials list is the least of your needs, IMO.

That said, I do remember a guy (possibly in Europe?) who built a nice looking yurt and included step by step pictures. That is somewhere on the forum - you could try and contact him. And there is a community in New England, followers of Bill Coperthwaite, who run classes, sell plans, and help each other in a community "barn raising" sort of way. Those folks build wooden sided yurts, but might work for you.

I believe some of the commercial yurt companies have plans for bases, though not sure if you have to be customers. And I would think the land you are building on would influence what stuff you needed to buy.

If I was hell bent on building a bigger yurt, I'd try and find someone nearby with a commercial yurt who would let me come count boards and hardware, take pictures and measurements, make sketches. Just study what everything looked like. Then I'd still have to source everything and then build it. Not impossible, but don't underestimate the project either. Good luck, Richard!!
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Old 04-01-2018, 01:00 AM   #10
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Default Re: Looking for both a materials list for deck and yurt itself. anyone have one?

The European fellow Wintergreen is referring to might be:


His yurt was more camping yurt size. Nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed his yurt build along on here.
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