I have a 16ft Pacific yurt in my backyard here in Oregon. My daughter will be using it as her primary residence starting next week. Since this was unexpected, we are scrambling to find a suitable heat source. Last year I simply used a Vornado space heater.
It doesnt get to cold here often, usually the lowest is 35 degrees, but it is quite wet, all the time.
We have considered wood stoves like Morso or Hobbit..propane like the Buddy...and infrared electric heaters. Do you have a heat source you love? Can you name names please?

In a perfect world, I would buy a Kimberly stove, but cost is a factor.
Here are some things to consider:
- The yurt is on a unfinished plywood platform, and i suspect it loses a fair amount of heat that way, although we are looking to install carpet over the winter.
- My daughter will be living in it full time as will her dog, so we need a way to heat the yurt while she is at work so the poor dog doesnt freeze.
- She is a teenager, so the easier and safer the better.