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Learned My Lesson - Bought Chaps

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Old 05-01-2013, 10:23 PM   #1
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Default Learned My Lesson - Bought Chaps

Was clearing out some brush and small trees last week and a small tree let go a branch and I saw it and moved out of the way. I felt a small tug on my leg and noticed that the chainsaw had come to rest on it. I was very lucky the blade was almost done or it would have definitely given me a pretty serious injury.

Heading back up this weekend to get more work done, but this time I bought some chaps. All these years I never wore them, but I never did as much chainsaw work as I am doing now. I thought there was never any way I would let that chain touch any part of me, but trust me, it can happen. A chainsaw is probably about the most dangerous hand tool an average person can use. Protect yourself.

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Old 05-02-2013, 09:35 PM   #2
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Default Re: Learned My Lesson - Bought Chaps

The number of rips my Dad had in his jeans when I was growing up made me think that jeans were enough to keep a chainsaw from cutting you. But when my brother shared some of what he learned in a chainsaw course he took it made it clear that Dad, too, had just been awfully lucky.
Like you, I wear chaps now. And I feel much more confident hacking away at things!
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Blue Ridge Yurts
Old 05-08-2013, 07:10 PM   #3
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Default Re: Learned My Lesson - Bought Chaps

I am waiting for a chainsaw course here so the boys and I can attend. BTW, my brother and I cleared out a bunch of brush and knocked back a few trees that were too close to the yurt. No wonder lumberjacks are so big. It is hard work, but rewarding.
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