Originally Posted by Bob Rowlands
So, with that I'd say go ahead and just build the yurt.
I most definitely am going ahead with this.
just so happen to have gotten Paul King's book a few months ago. a fair bit of useful info on using coppice greenwood.
Alex, thankyou very much for your post, it made me very happy.
really nice to hear about coppice poles being kinda "Free".
with the deterioration of my mental health over the last 3 years, i have kinda sunk into a financial hole.
my only feasible option for finance-based work is making and selling woodcraft's, but iv been having a lot of difficulties with creative drive lately.
the plan for yurt has, for a long time been, 'save up some money first' sort of thing.
but my financial situation seems to get bleaker every month.
probably got about £200-300 for project. so the notion of being able to source frame wood for a low/no cost makes me very hopeful.
(watched some ecovallee youtube vids, lovely, thanks for sharing)
*I have searched, for so many years to find a place to call home, the thought of making this a reality sometimes feels quite overwhelming

i have contacted some people for sourcing greenwood poles, i need to give them some specs.
i found a site (simplydifferently.org) which has some nice 'calculators' for finding out design specs/dimensions/poles sizes, based on desired diameter and wall height.
for a 6M (1.5m-wall height) yurt, it came up with:
-138 poles total (there was another figure of 60, not sure what for though)
-wall pole length: 212cm
-roof pole length: 264cm (+7cm into center crown)
-1 inch thickness (not sure if that before or after stripping bark)
do these kind of figures sounds right to you guys?